Work/Life Balance and What That Means When Things Fall Apart

Nanea Reeves
8 min readApr 16, 2015

By Nanea Reeves

My husband is dying. He is a man who began his journey in this lifetime with a rough start, stumbled and fell quite a few times before ultimately transforming himself into a quiet compassionate force of nature. He is also the only man I have ever loved with all of my heart. The others just got little pieces of it.

Me and Vic when we first fell in love.

I am writing this as I spend another night in a hospital room as he gets treated for FTT which means Failure to Thrive. Vic has stage 4 liver cancer from Hepatitis C. He was diagnosed with cancer last year and we thought, “We can beat this. We will hold each other’s hand through this and beat it.” The doctors told us he would beat it. He was in great shape, we have everything we need to get the best care and we were preparing ourselves to get a liver transplant within the next two years

One year and a few successful treatments later we were out to dinner with his grandson Liam and his stomach hurt. It hurt for four more days and on the 5th day we were told his tumors were back with a vengeance. The doctor who gave us the news that he was no longer eligible for a transplant (the only cure for liver…



Nanea Reeves

Nanea(nah-nay-ah) is CEO & Co-Founder of TRIPP, focused on creating mood altering experiences in VR.